Christine Calanchie For School Trustee
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Ashton Meadows P.S.
Nokiidaa P.S.
John McRae P.S.
Castlemore P.S.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier P.S.
Unionville H.S.
Lincoln Alexander P.S.
Buttonville P.S.
Coledale P.S.
Donald Cousens P.S.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau H.S.
Beckett Farm P.S.
Victoria Square P.S.
Stonebridge P.S.
Expect Great Changes!
Christine Calanchie For Trustee
York Region District School Board
Wards 2 and 6
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Why Your Vote Counts
Voting Dates: October 14-24, 2022
ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES - You have the power to decide on the quality of life you want for future generations.
NOT VOTING IS GIVING UP YOUR VOICE - If you don’t vote, someone else will make the decision for you.
VOTING IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR CHANGE - Support the candidates who can help your community, province, and even Canada for the greater good.
THE COMMUNITY DEPENDS ON YOU - Our communities are made up of friends, loved ones, neighbours, and children. Some may not know how important voting is. Make the decision to vote for yourself and those around you.

Vote for the future of the children of York Region
Back to the Basics
Voting Dates: October 14-24, 2022
I have seen many words bandied about concerning the values and priorities of being a School Trustee. They include:
Fiscal Responsibility
Quality Education
Programming for Special Needs Students
New Efficiencies
Address Mental Health Issues
These are all good goals but they repeat themselves year after year. Has any progress been made in any of these areas.....or are the same words used every 4 years to get votes?
It is time to Get Back To The Basics!!!
Children go to school for one main reason - that is To Learn. Learn how to read, write, perform mathematical calculations. We want to teach them about what went on in the past and involve them in what is going on in the present.

The Core Values of Education
Markham Wards 2 and 6
13 Trustees represent 9 York Region Municipalities
Over 126,000 students and 213 schools
Wards 2 and 6 comprise 12 elementary schools and 2 high schools

Room for Improvement
Voting Dates: October 14-24, 2022
Unfortunately, some students are still graduating from high school without the basic knowledge of life in many areas including:
How to balance a cheque book
Tax preparation and Budgeting
How to avoid huge interest charges on credit card statements
Not being provided enough education/information in Trades

Yes.....We Can do Better